Living the New Life

When we accept Christ as our savior and head of our life, we must die to self and be willing to allow him to shape us into a new creation. Why wouldn’t we want the creator of the world, the master artist, to make us NEW. We may become unrecognizable to some, as we dress in a new wardrobe, custom made by the creator with his name on it. Designed especially for us, to fit perfectly, and to prepare us for the specific purpose he has for us.

we are Redeemed

We were redeemed by Christ making the ultimate sacrifice to atone for our sin nature. He knew we would fall short. He knew we would make mistakes. He knew we would forget our true identity, and he sacrificed to save us from ourselves. That's how much he loves each and every one of us as individuals. He knows every hair on your head and he knitted every intricate detail specific to you and perfect in his image. Flaws and all. As we learn and fall in love with Christ, we have an invitation to re-imagine our lives, realign with our true identity and to be redeemed in the sight of others as examples of the power of the living word.

I am who He Says I am

Who has naming rights on your life?
Know who you are. Know your value. Don't limit yourself to fitting within the specs of the lens others view you through. It's important not to get in the habit of discounting yourself for the comfort of others, or you could spend your entire life, being undervalued or changing your identity. Your identity is rooted, not to be swayed by the wind, by changing circumstances, by changing needs or opinions, but rooted, hidden for you and all who value you enough to dig, unearth, and discover's there waiting to be watered, and grown to full capacity breaking through. – You are who HE says you are!


see what he See

Our past mistakes, past decisions, and past indiscretions, do NOT define us! People don’t define us. Our works don’t define us. It’s time to walk in our true identity and see ourselves as he sees us, as he has always seen us. We are his precious and most prized possessions. His children. Loved unconditionally, accepted fully, and covered in GRACE.